The Best Awful by Carrie Fisher

The Best Awful by Carrie Fisher

Author:Carrie Fisher [Fisher, Carrie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2016-12-28T23:00:00+00:00

Tony lit yet another cigarette as they drove past downtown San Diego.

“Hey, have you got a pen and paper? Sometimes when I feel like this, I write something. And think of it this way, if I write, you don’t have to listen to me! At least until we get to the border. Then maybe I send it as an urgent telegram to my congressman and all my friends. Good deal, huh?”

Tony didn’t have any paper and the only pen he had was out of ink, so they pulled off the freeway, stopping at a gas station to refuel the van and for Tony to “water the porcelain lawn” as he put it. In the market, Suzanne bought six Diet Cokes, three packs of Marlboro Ultra Lights, a legal pad, and two blue Roller Ball pens, while Tony purchased Visine, a Red Bull, and four 100,000 Grand bars.

Back in the van, Suzanne tore the clear wrapping off the pad. throwing it into the backseat. “This will be my last will and testament. Well, my second-to-last anyway. And not so much a will, but a will she or won’t she, a will’o’the wisp coupled with a willingness to say what’s on my mind. To get what’s on my mind off my chest, if you will – or even if you won’t – other than that, cover me; I’m going in. Dive! Dive!” And with that, she bent over the pad and began to scribble furiously.

Get up, you big trout-loving sea creature

He emerged from the deep sea, emerged from that deep thinking sea how you are.

The EmergenSea.

To look in the mirror. Go look in the mirror, See what Jesus did to your head. See it up there glowing softly, See it say the things it’s said. How does your head howl without your say-so? Why does it play so round the clock,

Between a rock and a hard place. Your heart’s the hard place.

Your head’s the rock.

Your soft rock head just swells with the info, All sick from the facts it’s fed.

Way way up there. See it shining.

Watch the eyes watch …just see them see. Think, except for square teeth,

I’m sweet soft roundness. I’m round say,

Therefore I’m me.

Awwww, look now, see a smile start, Little hard teeth,

In a big soft head. Where’s that smile now? Now that we need it.

What’s this look you leaked instead? Then there’s my head;

See, look …it’s chewy. It waits for word, Word from the wise. My head watches. Shhh, now it’s sleeping.

It gives what’s taken by big surprise.

My head’s surrounded by air that’s hostile; Air seeps through nostrils.

It knows no bounds.

My head knows your head is out there.

It combs the night air to brush out clowns. Suzanne looked up from her writing pad as Tony turned off the freeway toward a large sign reading MEXICOACH.

“Where are we?” She put the pen down and leaned out the window, blinking, examining her new surroundings.

“Without actually being there, we’re here,” and turning into the Mexicoach parking lot, Tony took a ticket at the gate.


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